Rachel Melo
I have an academic degree in Business Administration and Law. I worked for more than 20 years in private initiative and government programs until January 2017. For some years i developed a Pilot Project for Meditation for Children, which was applied on a voluntary and experimental basis during the years 2016 and 2017 at the Educare School Montessori in the city of Goiânia, Goiás.
I study and practice meditation with several teachers of oriental traditions for 15 years and coordinated for 9 years, until 2019 an adult meditation group, in a work developed with the International University of Peace - UNIPAZ. Currently, I have been taking a little of my experience to help adults through some distinct meditation projects, which is a Corporate Meditation Project that started with UNIPAZ GOIÁS and SEBRAE GOIÁS, another focusing on self-awareness and meditation for adolescents, in a work that was developed in 2018 with the project Plenitude of Being as well as the initiations of teachers and professionals that have been done by Crescendo Zen.
For three different opportunities I went to Japan to make immersions in this area, in 2016 for one month, in 2017 for a longer period, in an immersion of 8 months and in 2019 for another 3 months, where I implemented the second phase of the Project. - teacher training and outreach for children ages 8 to 12 - refining meditation techniques, accompanying and assisting the work of a Zen tradition teacher who teaches children of all ages mindfulness and meditation techniques and visiting schools that have empathy, humanistic teaching and compassion as their teaching base.
Back in Brazil, continuing the work on projects that have relevant social impacts, focusing on the development of human qualities, where children and adults can improve their relationships with the cultivation of a consistent, conscious and happy internal world through correct skillful means, I continue to professionally implement the CRESCENDO ZEN Project in private schools and voluntarily in public schools.